Abstract: Log analytics using ELK stack is an implementation of Logstash for extracting and indexing, Elasticsearch for searching and kibana for visualizing which are combined together to perform operation on logs. Elasticsearch is a Lucene based search server. Elasticsearch provides a distributed, multitenant-capable full-text search engine. Logstash tool to collect, index, and forward events and log messages. Kibana is used to represent the data in a graphical and statistical way. In this system we use the logs from Elastic Load Balancer, a service of Amazon Web Servers with the help of Logstash. Then these logs are indexed via logstash and represented through Kibana.These logs are properly formatted and ready for information retrieval. Thus,a system admin can check the behaviour of the whole server or a particular component by going through the logs and analyzing the system status. This will help in identifying the fallback of the server and the system administrator can take necessary actions to resolve the problems if any.

Keywords: Lucene, Amazon Web Servers, Elastic search, logstash, kibana.